Sunday, April 24, 2005


When I got the webcast, Colson was speaking. According to Chuck the Felon, "separation of powers" is a Christian concept. He ended urging the audience to call their Senators.

McCain & Murkowski were singled out for special attention.

James Dobson is now up. He can't imagine "anything more significant" than this event. The court system, especially the Supreme Court, threatens our values. "I appreciate and agree with Majority leader Tom Delay." Claims the Dred Scott decision contributed to the Civil War and then mentions Roe v. Wade. He calls the resulting abortions a "holocaust."

"We aren't trying to force our views on anybody." Dobson mentions gay-marriage, Terri Schiavo and claims that the Court does not respect the sanctity of life.

Rev. Al Mohler up. "Our main message is salvation by faith alone." Claimed that Justice Blackmun was determined to allow abortion. "The text [Bible] is the inerrant and infallible word of God." "Religious liberty is at stake." Defends Pickering for saying judges should base decisions on the Bible.
"If we are going to save this civilization..." "It is nothing less than cowardice" to prevent an up or down vote on the Senate floor.

Sen. Frist up. Argues for an up or down vote.

Bishop Harry R.Jackson up. "Righteousness" means banning abortion and same-sex marriage and is different from "Justice."

Dr. Bill Donohue up. "If the secular left is worried, they should be worried." "Do we need a Constitutional amendment that" prohibits the Supreme Court from overturning a law unless their decision is unanimous. "That would end judicial activism." Mentions Terri Schiavo.

Tony Perkins showed a taped interview with Judge Pickering.

Judge Pickering up. Claims that judicial filibusters are unconstitutional.

Perkins:"The President deserves to have his nominees voted on."

John Conlee up. Sings for the troop's families. "They also serve, those who stand and wait."


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