Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Tucsonans respond to Coulter

From The Tucson Daily Star

I love it. Ann Coulter doesn't show up for her own trial and then cries foul. I thought she was the victim. Poor baby.

Kym Jones

Will the law protect conservatives in Pima County? Of course! Would it protect Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh? I hope not! Conservatives don't have to rely on lies. Ann and Rush do!

Dennis Jones
Copper miner

Ann Coulter nails it on the head; most liberals feel they are the intellectual superior, but the truth is, they cannot compete in a fact-driven, intellectual argument and usually resort to the low path of insult and harassment. Tucson is a liberal town, and the Star is a liberal paper. The pie-throwing does not surprise nor the fact that it was not prosecuted.

Jim Borchardt
U.S. military

(different page)

It is a sad commentary that Ann Coulter received such discourteous treatment in Tucson and that the perpetrators went unpunished. No wonder she said that conservatives were not protected here under law. Some liberals cannot abide opposing thought. I am heartened that the liberal "Star" now invites a broad spectrum of opinion.

Shirley Cooney

Ann Coulter along with the other conservative speakers mentioned in her article were attacked on college campuses in what are classic hate crimes undoubtedly promoted by the Democratic National chairman who made it clear he hates Republicans. Such attacks and hate speech demonstrate the inability of liberals to deal with political facts and realities. The two attackers should be terminated as students and barred from college campuses.

William E. Dart

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