Saturday, April 23, 2005


I was reading the Tucson Daily Star and I was disappointed because there was no Coulter column. I look forward to this target of opportunity so I called the Editorial Page Editor, Dennis Joyce, and left a message asking about Ann.

I then went to Coulter's site to read her latest screed and I think I know the reason her column wasn't published: she couldn't back up her lies. This is from her e-mail section:

Email from the Arizona Daily Star following up on this week's column: Greg, The closing paragraphs of Ann Coulter's column this week contain information we need to verify in order to run it. They differ from our understanding of the facts. We need to get these two questions answered before we can publish it. In addition, the subject of county attorney's operations here is an ongoing news story - independent of Ms. Coulter - so our news reporters may ask you to help us get questions from her answered as well today. Many thanks Dennis Joyce Editorial page editor Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona 520 573-4235 —————————————- 1. Who told you or how do you know that female prosecutors left the Pima County Attorney's Office because of the way Berkman treats women? [IT'S BEEN ALL OVER THE NEWS, INCLUDING NEXIS, GOOGLE, AND A SMALL ORGANIZATION CALLED "THE ASSOCIATED PRESS."] 2. You make an issue of the Star's failure to contact you, yet your editor at Universal - which is listed as the contact on your column - says he can only speak to you once a week, usually Wednesdays. How does one reach you? [YES, I AM PRETTY HARD TO FIND THESE DAYS WHAT WITH THE FOUR BEST-SELLERS, THE CONSTANT TOURING, NIGHTLY TV OR RADIO APPEARANCES, TIME MAGAZINE COVER— I'VE BECOME QUITE THE RECLUSE.]

Let's take a look at the relevant parts of her column for 4/20/05, entitled "Pies, Lies and Videotapes":
In fact, my verbatim reply in an e-mail dated Feb. 15, 2005, to the only notice I ever received about my appearing at the trial was the following, preserved through the miracle of computers: "I remain very committed to pressing charges. What is the date of the trial? I do not live in AZ and it may be difficult for me to get there for the trial. Does the prosecutor believe he will have to call me as a witness? I believe there is videotape of the entire event and it is evident thereon that I apprehended the attack and ran away." I was never asked to attend any trial.

Ann's been out of law school for some time so I guess she forgot about the 6th Amendment:

Amendment VI - Right to speedy trial, confrontation of witnesses. Ratified 12/15/1791.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

More from the column:
The only other notice I ever received about the trial was a postcard informing me that the case had been dismissed a few weeks ago. Contrary to the above news account, I called the number on the postcard after getting the notice, got an answering machine, and left a message.

So, in AnnWorld, the deputy DA is lying and the Star reporter is incompetent.

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