Saturday, June 11, 2005


From the 6/10/05 edition of the Tucson Daily Star:

On May 16, syndicated conservative columnist Paul Craig Roberts wrote an opinion entitled "British War Memo Evidence Enough to Impeach Bush."
On May 31, former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, along with Kevin Zeese, wrote an opinion entitled "The 'I' Word" for the Boston Globe, also calling for impeachment based upon the British war memo.
It appears that people of good faith from both the left and right can come together and agree that the manipulation of intelligence to "fit" a policy of war with Iraq by lying to the American people to justify an unnecessary war, at great loss of life and expense, is grounds for impeachment.
Maybe George W. Bush has finally become a "uniter" - for his impeachment.
Roger A. White

It appears the consensus is, as far as corporate owned media is concerned, the Downing Street Memo will not sell.
Unfortunately, for citizens of this country, the facts dealt with in that document should not be held to circulation.
The cornerstone of democracy is an informed populace.
Should the media choose to stand up and redeem the integral process to the operation of our Republic, they can wait no longer to inform the populace of documented and undeniable evidence that members of the current administration acted in a manner that is consistent with a call for a congressional impeachment inquiry.
The first step in this process is for a responsible press to inform the public of the nature of the facts that call the actions of the current administration into question.
The public will never be able to do their duty as citizens until the press chooses to do theirs.

Chris Vlitas

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