Thursday, June 30, 2005


I copied this from an article in the Tucson Daily Star over a year ago. The entire article is pretty good.

A pair of retired three-star generals, one from the Army and the other an ex-Marine, weigh in on the war effort, 5/23/04.

But I think politically is perhaps where we may have fallen short in not anticipating quite the complexity of dealing with a unique society like Iraq in that this is totally unlike our experience in World War II where we were very successful with homogeneous societies and now we're dealing with 150 tribes, 2,000 clans - not to mention the Kurds, the Shiites and the Sunnis - in a society that is used to authoritarian rule.
Gen.Robert Johnston (Ret.)

On the possible move of forces from Korea to Iraq: Right thing to do. In fact I believe if we have more muddy boots on the ground, which is infantrymen, and their direct support, the likelihood of reducing casualties is greater, I didn't say eliminate, but reducing them because I think our soldiers and Marines are very thinly placed on the ground, and hence the vulnerability.
Gen. John Myers (Ret.)

1 comment:

Health News said...

Thank you for introducing me the wonderful information.And .....Totally boring.!