Thursday, July 07, 2005


I haven't done a letter count but I am sure that the vast majority of the LTE's about Bush's speech are negative. Here's another one:

In response to the June 29 article "Iraq sacrifice worth it, Bush says."
When George W. Bush addressed the nation, I was shocked to hear him lie at least five times on one subject - the supposed connection between 9/11 and Iraq.
The Star's news coverage accurately reported he repeatedly said we are in Iraq because of the 9/11 terrorists, but the Star did not bother to mention there is no credible evidence that connects Sadaam Hussein or any other Iraqi officials with the attack or with al Qaida.
It is time for Bush to stop cynically lying about 9/11. It is time for news reporters to insist he come clean with the American people about why we are really in Iraq, and why he was planning to go to war even before 9/11, as shown by the Downing Street memos.
And it is time for the Star to clearly expose this man's repeated lies.
The American people are finally catching on. Why is the Star so far behind?

Barbara Tellman
Retired, Tucson


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