Monday, July 04, 2005


Anti-Hillary forces ready to step up
By Dick Polman

Mike Krempasky, a conservative organizer who trains young activists, said: "The machine is starting to gear up. The main audience will be the people who should be against Hillary but who have been numbed over the past few years by her successful efforts in the Senate to sand down some of her hard edges. Right now, she doesn't attract the broad opposition she used to get - the almost visceral negative reaction."
Former Rep. John LeBoutillier, R-N.Y., a Klein friend and proprietor of a stop-Hillary Web site, said the other day: "The 'new media' is where it's at. In the old days, you'd send out review copies of a book and beg to go on the 'Today' show. But now you can advertise on Web sites and go on talk radio and Fox News Channel. That's where the action is."
Klein's book is being heavily promoted by, a conservative Web site that, in turn, is partially bankrolled by conservative scion Richard Mellon Scaife, who financed investigations of the Clintons in the '90s. NewsMax has placed ads for Klein's book on conservative blogs.

NOTE: I got this from my local paper and sent a thank you to Knight-Ridder. They passed it on to Mr. Polman, who works for the Philadeplphia Inquirer. He replied by sending me the original, uncut article and here's a juicy quote from it:

That's sufficient motivation for LeBoutillier to contend on his Web site ( that at heart she is "a radical America-hating lawyer."

Over the phone, he said: "She's a damn good candidate, and a lot of Republicans are underestimating her. What I intend to say a lot is that she's a hard-core hard-left-winger, a Jane Fonda in the Senate."

He paused for a moment.

"I don't know if that argument works anymore," he said. "We may have used it up."

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