Tuesday, October 18, 2005


This comes from an Atrios commenter:

Posted on Mon, Oct. 17, 2005
Agency charged with spending oversight in Iraq left country in '04
By Seth Borenstein
Knight Ridder Newspapers
WASHINGTON - The chief Pentagon agency in charge of investigating and reporting fraud and waste in Defense Department spending in Iraq quietly pulled out of the war zone a year ago - leaving what experts say are gaps in the oversight of how more than $140 billion is being spent.etc.

----I swear to God I'm not making this stuff up.
-QuentinCompson Homepage 10.18.05 - 1:05 am #

Fixed article link here and some more excerpts:

The auditors were withdrawn in the fall of 2004 because other agencies were watching spending, too. But experts say those other agencies don't have the expertise, access and broad mandate that the inspector general has - and don't make their reports public.

Much of the criticism of Defense Department spending for military uses has focused on the billing practices of Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of the engineering giant Halliburton Inc. A Knight Ridder investigation in the spring of 2004 found that KBR charged the department to move convoys of empty trucks across central Iraq.

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