Monday, October 24, 2005


A popular wingnut meme about Bush's low poll numbers is the claim that they don't matter because he's not running for re-election. This ignores that fact that all of the House and 1/3rd of the Senate seats are up for election next year but the question is, how far down does the disenchantment with Bush extend?

My local paper suggests that it may go all the way down to city councils:

Council incumbents soft-pedal GOP
By C.J. Karamargin
Published: 10.24.2005

When are Republicans reluctant to let voters know they're a Republican?
When they're running for office in a Democratic city like Tucson.
Republican City Council members Kathleen Dunbar and Fred Ronstadt are carpet-bombing Tucson with mailers asking voters for support on Nov. 8.
"Working hard. Making a difference for Tucson," Ronstadt's says.
"Effective leadership. Real results for Tucson," proclaims Dunbar's.
But nowhere on either mailer is the Grand Old Party mentioned.

Dunbar declined to comment on the omission. Ronstadt explained in an e-mail that he didn't need to mention his party affiliation.
"I am running on my record and on my commitment to Tucson as an entire community," he wrote. "I think the press does a good job identifying my party, as does the ballot."

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