Monday, October 24, 2005


This guy is amazing.

From Laura Rozen at War and Peace:

Chalabi is coming to meet with Steve Hadley, Reuters reports:
...Ahmad Chalabi, the Iraqi leader accused of giving the Bush administration flawed information about Saddam Hussein's weapons program, will visit Washington in November amid speculation that U.S. officials view him as an acceptable candidate for Iraqi prime minister...

The November visit was first reported by Time magazine, which said in its October 31 edition that Chalabi is due to meet with national security adviser Stephen Hadley.
Time quoted unnamed administration officials as saying Rice and Hadley both view Chalabi as "a plausible and acceptable" candidate for prime minister in the next round of Iraqi elections due December 15.

The longtime Iraqi exile began attracting U.S. attention as a potential prime minister after Washington decided Iraq's current premier, Ibrahim Jaafari, had discredited himself by seeking overly friendly relations with Iran, Time said, quoting unnamed administration officials."...I can see the bumper sticker now, 'Chalabi -- less Iranian backed than Jaafari!'

Update: Here's the Time piece.
Posted by Laura at October 23, 2005 07:12 PM

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