Thursday, April 06, 2006


I have written before about the new regional transportation plan that will increase the local sales tax to pay for growth and today I came across a defense of the plan from a member of the local realtors association. Here it is in full, with my comments:

Ken O'Day's March 15 guest column "Wrong way on roads: Voters should reject Transportation Plan" was all wrong.
The Regional Transportation Plan is the best we've seen in years.

This is like saying one has a better bandaid when surgery is needed.

Yes, traffic woes have grown because we're a desirable place to live.
They've grown because developers think urban sprawl is wonderful.

And if you don't believe growth pays for itself, just look at all the fees included in the price of a new home — they are staggering.

No one believes growth pays for itself. If the new fees were adequate, then why are we being asked to increase the sales tax?

Don't think a sales tax is fair? Why should only people who drive cars pay for sidewalks, transit and bike paths? Everyone will contribute to improved transportation for all.

A sales tax is regressive because it has larger effects on the less affluent. Why should I pay for someone else's choice to live outside the city? Let those who benefit the most from improved transportation (realtors, car dealers and developers) pay for it.

If you have a better plan, let's hear it.
Just to get the conversation started, let's make the realtors, car dealers and developers contribute 20% of their income to pay for growth.

All we hear is no, no, no. It's time for those of us who believe in our community and its future to vote yes for the right way to begin solving some of our needs.

I believe in the community but I don't believe I should subsidize the growth cabal.

Patty Richardson
Senior vice president, Tucson Association of Realtors

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