Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I put some links in a temp folder, confident that I will come back and follow up. I've noticed that the folder has a lot of links that I haven't been to so it's time to note a couple of them here.

Greg Sargent of TAPPED, the blog of the American Prospect, found another example of Fredo's press bashing: Fredo indirectly attacked the LA Times for revealing some details about a "new" anti-IED device but (1) the device had been fully tested 10 monthes earlier and STILL wasn't sent to Iraq and (2) the Times got the OK from the DOD to publish the article.

We know some wingnuts continue to claim that Clinton sold our nuclear bomb design secrets to China in return for campaign contributions. The truth is found in the 1999 Cox Report and although it does not absolve Clinton, it does spread the blame around:

PRC penetration of our national weapons laboratories spans at least the past several decades and almost certainly continues today.

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