Friday, April 07, 2006


Slots had Hinderaker (aka "AssRocket") from PowerLine on to defend Fredo from the newest revelation that he leaked classified information for political gain. They both relied on the Nixon defense: When the president leaks, it's not a leak. AssRocket also slimed Joe Wilson, claiming he had lied about the Administration, and that more than justified the leaks.

Here's what Slots said on The Situation Room:

BILL BENNETT, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: They can declassify it. The president can declassify it. The vice president can declassify it. They declassified it. Ten day...

BLITZER: But -- but let me - let ...

BENNETT: Ten days later, it was public.

BLITZER: But, normally, before they do that, there's a committee that reviews classified information. It's highly unusual for the president and vice president simply to, on their own say, you know what, let's declassify this and leak it.

BENNETT: We don't know that the committee didn't get together. But the president is the chief executive officer, elected by the people. This was an authorized release of intelligence. There seems to be a lot more excitement in the press about an authorized release of intelligence than about the unauthorized release of intelligence or release of confidential documents by the press. This, to me, is not stunning. And I don't think it's interesting.

BENNETT: The president is not a clerk. The president is not a GS-13. The president is the president of the United States. The people who classify information are part of the executive branch. They work for the president. He has the authority to declassify. And he did. Again, I mean, I -- I'm not surprised at Governor Dean. I'm not surprised at the Democrats. But I don't know why there isn't more distress about the unauthorized disclosure of information. He's the authority of the executive branch. He can disclose whatever he wants to disclose.

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