Monday, October 09, 2006


Yes, the wingnut gasbags are going on about how great a threat N. Korea is and how it's basically all Clinton's fault but even the right-wing NY Post recognizes the truth:

(From LexisNexis)

The New York Post
July 6, 2006 Thursday

SECTION: All Editions; Pg. 30
LENGTH: 461 words

But the early-flight failure of the long-range Taepodong-2 missile testifies to the immediacy of the threat Pyongyang poses to America: none.

The Taepodong-2 was supposed to have the range to threaten Alaska or the U.S. West Coast. Yet it flew barely 35 seconds before flaming out and falling into the ocean about 300 miles east of Niigata.

The Wall Street Journal agrees, at least as far as the missiles are concerned:

Hot Topic: North Korea's July 4th Display: How Big a Threat?
Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Jul 8, 2006. pg. A.9

Is North Korea a threat to the U.S.? Its missiles apparently aren't, for now. Last week's tests suggested North Korea isn't capable of hitting anywhere in the U.S. with a long-range missile.

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