Friday, November 24, 2006


Voters in Arizona rejected Proposition 207, which would've denied benefits to gays and others who aren't married. I thought that the enlightened self-interest of straight couples played the major part in 207's defeat but it seems principle played a larger part:

Poll: Voters against government intrusion rejected Prop. 107
By Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 11.22.2006

Pollster Bruce Merrill said Tuesday only 8 percent of those who voted against the measure earlier this month said they support same-sex weddings.

But Merrill, who conducted the survey of 962 registered voters for KAET-TV, the Phoenix PBS affiliate, said more than half of those questioned said they believed the measure was unfair or was improper government involvement in individual rights. Another 30 percent specifically cited provisions barring governments from offering domestic partner benefits.

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