Friday, February 16, 2007


Pres. Fredo gave 3 benchmarks we can use to measure progress in Iraq:

You can measure progress in capacity of Iraqi units. You can measure progress in megawatts of electricity delivered. You can measure progress in terms of oil sold on the market on behalf of the Iraqi people. (Press Conference,6/14/2006)

Today, Michael Hanlon from the Brookings Institution was on NPR's Morning Edition and stated that there has been NO PROGRESS in these 3 areas. The AP reports that as many as 1 million Iraqis may flee the country in the coming year because of the lack of security:

"The numbers of people that are being displaced are increasing every day," said Jemini Pandaya, spokeswoman for the International Organization for Migration. "The security situation is not improving. It's not changing."

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