Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Thomas Sowell is in the global warming denialist camp. In a recent ClownHall article, he warned about those who "are prepared to ruin the economy, sacrificing jobs and the national standard of living" to help mitigate global warming. He neglected to mention the VAST cost of doing nothing.

In this article, Sowell cites Prof. Richard F. Lindzen of MIT as a prominent and believable critic of global warming. Prof. Lindzen is a contributor to the book Encyclopedia of Global Change, Environmental Change and Human Society, Volume 1, Oxford University Press, New York,710 pp, and the introduction to his paper on the greenhouse effect states:
The carbon dioxide of the atmosphere has been increasing since the early nineteenth century, owing to our consumption of fossil fuels and deforestation, and is expected to reach twice its natural post-glacial value sometime in the twenty-first century. (op. cit., pp. 562)

Lindzen can't be considered a critic of global warming, at least in his scholarly work. His popular work is a different story. Both of his opinon pieces in the Wall Street Journal (here and here) cast doubt on global warming and its proponents.

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