Sunday, February 18, 2007


I caught some of Fox News Sunday and the notion that the Democrats are "gambling" on what will happen in Iraq was mentioned by Wallace, Hume and Kristol. I think this was first mentioned by Press Secretary Tony Snow(job) last Friday:

MR. SNOW: The question is what the margin is; does it matter. I don't know. Again, members -- it's going to be interesting, because members of Congress have taken their own gamble here. They're gambling on failure -- some members, at least.

When I think about this, my head starts to hurt because the worst that could happen to the Dems who oppose escalation is that they would have to admit they were wrong. As Snow puts it:

MR. SNOW: I mean because all of a sudden, it's -- suppose suddenly that you start to see signs of success. Then are these members going to come out and say, you know what, we were wrong -- they're going to have another resolution?

The worst that happens with Fredo's plan is that we get more American soldiers killed. Chris Wallace has a view similar to Snow's:

WALLACE: Senator, aren't some Democrats in effect gambling that the surge will fail? And won't you end up looking foolish if it should actually succeed?

Let's see, what's worse:

Looking foolish OR more dead Americans?

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