Friday, August 24, 2007


Those two characteristics do a good job of summing up the wingnut portion of the blogosphere. Paul the Fool from Wizbang has the delusion that he's clued in to the inner workings of the Universe and other stuff that mere mortals like you and I can't even see, let alone grasp:
As a civilian a few thousand miles away having only the mainstream media to count on for information, it's almost impossible to make an informed decision on the job performance of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
But I have a few clues he must be doing a good job...The New York Times hates
Democratic Senator Carl Levin and Republican Senator John Warner
have called for his ouster. Hilliary says she wants him gone and the NYT has another hit piece on him this morning.
So we have every reason to believe he must be a doing a great job.

Yup, if they have a different ideology OR don't clap louder for a failed policy, they MUST be wrong. One assumes that Paul never came across the evaluation of the American ambassador to Iraq or the remarks of the Army Chief of Staff so I kindly left him a link so he can expand his meager horizons. Those horizons are so meager, he can even link approvingly to someone as deluded as he is, the fact-challenged Capt. Ed! The title tells you all you need to know about both the Captains knowledge of Iraq and his ability to think at all critically: "Has Maliki Ended The Insurgency?"

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