Tuesday, April 01, 2008


(h/t CelticPatriots3 on AOL)

PRES. BUSH: As President, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq (12/14/2005)


Anonymous said...


Let him take responsibility,along with Petraeus, for another embarrasimg loss. The sanction of Maliki's attack on al Sadr's Mahdi Army, assumed to be another cakewalk.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" commented on juancole.com today re Cole's Salon piece.

Good analysis of the Basra attack. But I would have called it Why Did Bush and Maliki attack?

Richard Perle told al-Jazeera days before the attack that Sadr and the Mahdi Army were much weaker than they were a year earlier, and the Prince of Darkness and other Zionists still have Bush's ear.

The Zionists/neocons are scared stiff that the Sadrists, whom they consider a facsimile of Hizbollah, would get to power in Iraq, with hundreds of billions a year in oil revenues to boot.

Even without the Sadrists, they absolutely insist that the US forces must stay indefinitely to keep this major Arab, anti-American, country under control.

Steve J. said...

I can't believe anyone pays any attention to Perle.