Sunday, June 01, 2008


This idiotic flap made another message board on AOL and the verdict is almost unanimous: the people who complained about the "keffayeh" are wackos. A sampling of the responses:

-I am sorry, but this is the biggest bs i have ever seen. First off all, just because a tiny, tiny percent of islam has been hijacked by psychotic men for terrorism does not mean that everything that looks Muslim stands for evil. Secondly the scarf looks like a normal scarf someone would wear anyday....if people are getting upset about this then as a nation we really need to reevaluate ourselves.

-It is dreadful to think people are so narrow minded. Has anyone complained about the scarfs worn in Sex and the City? How a simple scarf worn around the neck and be blown out of proportion and shame on Dunkin Donuts for pulling the ad.

-What happened to "OUR AMERICA"? Where are all the freedoms we used to enjoy, and that our military )our sons, daughters, fathers, brothers etc.) fought for? Why do we now have to ask permission for eveything we do, say, or even think?

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