Bill O'Reilly goes populist and slams wingnut radio gasbags. (He also slams the Democrats but that's to be expected). The audio clip is below and MediaMatters has the transcript. Here are the excerpts I liked:
O'REILLY: And all of these ideologues, it gets me angry. I do talk radio and most of talk radio is conservative-dominated ideologues, Kool-Aid-drinking idiots -- idiots -- screaming at you, "This is socialism," this is this, this is that, "It's Clinton's fault." "It's Clinton's fault." "It's Clinton's fault"? Clinton hasn't been in office in eight years.
It's Bush's fault. It happened on Bush's watch.
But let's get back to this talk radio stuff. These idiots, I mean, they're misleading you. They're lying to you. They're rich, these guys -- big cigars, all of that. "Yeah. Oh yeah, my private jet." And they're saying, "Oh no, no bailout. Uh-uh. No way."
Are you getting the message here? Walk away from these liars -- these right-wing liars. Walk away from them. They're not looking out for you.
The "cigars" comment is a dig at Fats:

Here's the audio -
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