Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This clown is from the Tradtional Values Coalition (TVC), a group that wants to censor research into topics it thinks aren't agreeable to Fundies:

Traditional Values Coalition is the largest non-denominational, grassroots church lobby in America. Founded in 1980, by Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, Chairman, TVC has sought to empower people of faith through knowledge.

With an emphasis on the restoration of the values needed to maintain strong, unified families, Traditional Values Coalition, focuses on such issues as religious liberties, marriage, the right to life, the homosexual agenda, pornography, family tax relief and education.

ABC News reports that in 2003, TVC tried to stop the NIH from funding research into taboo areas and a subsewquent survey of research scientists found that...
...they have since self-censored their grant proposals to remove "red flag" words, such as gay, lesbian, AIDS, needle-exchange or anal sex from their titles or abstracts. Nearly a quarter of respondents said they either modified their studies to seem less controversial or abandoned controversial grant proposals.

A spokesperson for TVC came out with what amounts to a defense of ignorance:
Andrea Lafferty, executive director of Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) in Washington, D.C., sees no "abuses of science" but agrees that with the new administration, the content of grant proposals is likely to expand.

"My main idea is the NIH ATM machine is going to re-open in 09," said Lafferty. "It's some guys in their jammies at universities drinking beer asking, 'hey, how can we study how prostitutes spread disease?' Then they take it to the NIH."

Lafferty asserted that the list leaked by the staffer contained both "inappropriate" content, as well as examples of wasted funding for science.

"NIH has always been treated like a sacred cow ... scientists overall don't believe in God, and they don't want to be questioned," she said. "These people want to say it's just TVC but you take what we find is being studied, go to any grocery store and ask people what they think. Taxpayers would be outraged."

And this fits in quite well with the populist strain of movement conservatism, the one that views credentials as "elitist."

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