Tuesday, November 18, 2008


An up and coming GOP governor says it should:
Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. made a similar case.

Huntsman singled out the environment as one issue that was doing severe damage to the party, especially among younger voters, who supported Obama by overwhelmingly numbers.

"We as Republicans can’t shy away from speaking the word 'environment,' and we shouldn’t shy away from speaking the words 'climate change,'" Huntsman told reporters. "When you’ve got a body of science that already is rendering certain judgments about what is happening in our world, for us to shy away, say it doesn’t matter as an issue, I think is foolhardy, it’s shortsighted and it’s bound to do us damage in the longer term."

Senators McCain and Graham seem to be reading from the same page as Gov. Huntsman:
McCain wants to learn how Obama plans to proceed and "where we can fit in," Graham said, citing work on climate change as a potential area of common ground.

This won't appeal to barbarians like Sen. Inhofe or talk radio know-nothings but it will better for America to recognize the truth about this serious issue.

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