Saturday, January 03, 2009


(h/t Joe Sudbay at AMERICAblog)

The movement conservatives have been saying for months and in some cases years that the GOP needs to move further to the Right yet Sen. Collins (R-MAINE) thinks her hard-core GOP colleagues won't do that.

Moderate Republicans may be in big demand in Senate
There are fewer of them, but Democrats may need them to break potential GOP filibusters.
By Janet Hook
January 2, 2009
LA Times

Moderate Republicans worry that their party's conservative wing is not going to change its ways in response to the GOP's election drubbing.

"I would hope that the more conservative members of our caucus would take a look at these election results," Collins said. "It's difficult to make the argument that our candidates lost because they were not conservative enough."

Somebody should tell Collins that that is exactly the argument Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and the Heritage Foundation ARE making.

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