Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Back in 2002, Bill O'Reilly made this observation about the conservative mind:
O'Reilly thinks those left of center can't get the job done on the air. That's not a knock on their ideology, he says, but a comment on the liberal tendency toward inclusiveness and reflectiveness -- both deadly qualities in a medium that talk-show producer Randall Bloomquist describes as "the World Wrestling Federation with ideas."

"Conservative people tend to see the world in black and white terms, good and evil," says O'Reilly in an interview. "Liberals see grays. In any talk format, you have to pound home a strong point of view. If you're not providing controversy and excitement, people won't listen, or watch."

Rick Moran at RightWing Nuthouse offers the same explanation for why the wingnuts liked Jack Bauer, the star of 24:
But what attracted most of us to 24 at the beginning was the moral certitude exhibited by Bauer. The black and white, good and evil portrayal of the war was lauded by the right...

What I found particularly interesting is Moran's praise of Bauer's sense of duty and patriotism. Why isn't upholding the Constitution and Federal treaties and laws a patriotic duty?

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