Sunday, March 08, 2009


Tobin Harshaw in the NYT's blog "Weekend Opinionator" has provided a good summary with quotes about the Fats Limbaugh Escapade and I thought that this remark from the Editor of the National Review was astounding:
“I find the attacks on Rush from the right mostly stupid, cringe-inducing, and wrong… Rush is a huge benefit to the Right, and if we didn’t have him, we’d have to try to invent him (and probably fail, because so much of his success is a product of his natural, can’t-be-reproduced talent.)”

I'm pretty sure the highlighted words are a reference to what Voltaire said about God:
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him.

Can there really be any doubt that Limbaugh is the de facto leader of the GOP and conservatism in general?

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