Sunday, March 01, 2009


Jon Chait is mostly pretty clear-minded and I've found his writings informative. In the WaPo, he joins the wingnuts in attacking Obama's choice to head the National Intelligence Council, Charles Freeman:
Realists tend not to abide the American alliance with Israel, which rests on shared values with a fellow imperfect democracy rather than on a cold analysis of America's interests.

This means that Chait doesn't like Freeman because he isn't an honorary member of the Likud Party like Douglas Feith. Chait writes that
...Americans, rightly or wrongly, have an affinity for a fellow democracy surrounded by hostile dictatorships

I don't have an affinity for Israel and I think this is argument is pure Zionist bullshit. I certainly don't want the Jews in Israel massacred but after 60 years, isn't time we began looking at other options?


Anonymous said...

I believe a good part of the problem would be solved if any media defender of Israel had to identify as Jewish and Zionist if the shoe fit. The second litmus test could be: would you countenance a one-state solution wherein the contested land be transformed into a truly secular democracy devoid of both rabbinical and Shariah Law?
Without calling the proponent an anti-semite? Any combination of yes and no reveals dual loyalty in some measure, and deserved disqualification from credibility-or service in applicable sections of government.

Anonymous said...

In related Iraq, AJ Strata is still boasting about victory and pretending Obama is proving Bush policy right even as

Iraqis are steadily moving towards
solidifying another anti-American, anti-Zionist government while the US is helpless to do much about it while it bleeds dollars and lives away until the too slow final departure. Strata's commentors are mostly preoccupied with economic malaise and can't enjoy the "victory." A pity.

Steve J. said...

Strata wouldn't get it even if he had a scorecard.