Monday, March 09, 2009


The conservative food fight continues! On Meet the Press (3/8/2009), Newt Gingrich had this to say about Fats Limbaugh:
REP. GINGRICH: Rush, Rush Limbaugh is, in the long run, an interesting radio personality who is--it's like saying, you know...

MS. BURNETT: You're being diplomatic.

REP. GINGRICH: No, it's like saying does Chris Matthews help or hurt the Democratic Party? The fact is he has a large audience, he--the audience believes him, the audience calls their members, the audience has an effect. He's not the leader of the Republican party. And Michael Steele's one of the leaders. Bobby Jindal, who you had on recently, is one of the leaders. Sarah Palin's one of the leaders. Eric Cantor's a rising new leader. Paul Ryan's a--I mean, there are tons of leaders in the Republican Party. It is a deliberate strategy by the White House. And Politico did a good job this week of laying out how, how cynically the White House pursued this.

Today, Fats shot back at Newt by describing him as a typical politician who will say whatever is convenient at the moment. He also accused Newt of being jealous of his success.

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