Monday, March 02, 2009


Just in case you were wondering, Limbaugh and Hannity think the cure to our economic problems is to cut taxes.

In other words, the same old supply-side BS.


Anonymous said...

I respect Tonelson,(American Economic Alert) Morici, Hira-and they're not thrilled with Obama's men so far. Any reaction?

Steve J. said...

The trade deficit is a problem but it's not the big one. The big one is insolvent major banks. Many of the economists I've rear think we needed to nationalize these "bad banks" months ago.

Anonymous said...

Um... worked before. Worked every time it's been tried (you can even ask JFK about his massive tax cuts).

Obama's cuts give us something like $13/week.

How about this.. you wanna put more $$ into people's pockets, no?

Eliminate the payroll taxes for 6 months on everybody. It would be cheaper than Obama's plan - by a HUGE amount, it would put more $$ into pockets RIGHT now and would amount to thousands of dollars for the average worker.

Or.. we could spend money to give more contruction people jobs. (What about us?) And get new sod on the mall.