Friday, May 01, 2009


I knew he was a radio winger but I didn't know how bad he really is. According to the Boston Globe, here are some of his "highlights":
He has called former Vice President Al Gore “Al Whore,” former First Lady and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “a lying [expletive],” and Senator Edward M. Kennedy “a fat piece of lying garbage."

This makes him seem to be just another Mark Levin but he's worse than that:
Jay Severin, the fiery, right-wing radio talk show host on Boston’s WTKK-FM radio station, was suspended today after calling Mexican immigrants "criminaliens," “primitives,” “leeches,” and “women with mustaches and VD,” among other incendiary comments.

This is closer to white supremacist garbage than standard gasbag talk, although several of them, like Limbaugh, don't speak very well of non-whites.

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