Sunday, June 14, 2009


At least in Tucson, Cunningham took over Drudge's slot on the radio and he either gets more extremist callers than other winger gasbags or lets more on the air. Here are some of their remarks, one caller per "-"

- Pres. Obama should be impeached
- what about the spread of HIV from VA hospitals? Why wasn't Pres. Obama blamed?
- Pres. Obama is acting like an idiot
- we need to pray to God so He will save our country from Pres. Obama
- we won't take our country back without voter ID - it's especially needed in NE urban centers
- the overhaul of health care is a Marxist plot to control population size
- most blacks are Muslim so we can impeach Pres. Obama
- Pres. Obama wasn't really sworn in because there was no Bible the second time
- oil went up because the dollar sank, there are thousands of full tankers waiting offshore
- Democrats want to take control of every aspect of our lives

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