Wednesday, June 10, 2009


(h/t Taegan Goddard)

That would be Hannity and Palin, or maybe Palim and Hannity - it's hard to tell. Anyway, Palin turns in these two segments during her interview by the Baby Jesus:

Palin: We are the only state with a negative tax rate where we don't have any income, sales or property tax statewide, and yes we have a share of our oil resource revenue that goes back to the people that own the resources. Imagine that.

Palin: If Americans aren't paying attention, unfortunately our country could evolve into something that we do not even recognize. Certainly that is so far from what the founders of our country had in mind for us.

Hannity: Socialism?

Palin: Well... that is where we are headed.

Speading the wealth, AKA socialism, is just fine for Alaska but just terrible for the rest of us.

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