Sunday, June 14, 2009


(h/t Kenneth Anderson at The Volokh Conspiracy)

In the WSJ, Peter Berkowitz, a "senior fellow" at the conservative Hoover Institution, bemoans the lack of coverage of conservative political ideology on college campuses. When I got to the 5th paragraph, I knew I was reading a half-wit:
But most students will hear next to nothing about the conservative tradition in American politics that stretches from John Adams to Theodore Roosevelt to William F. Buckley Jr. to Milton Friedman to Ronald Reagan. This tradition emphasizes moral and intellectual excellence, ...

The only conservative intellectual excellence I have come across is from the French thinker, Joseph deMaistre. I don't consider Hayek, Buckley, Strauss, or Friedman to be first rate political minds and the inclusion of TR and St. Ronnie as thinkers is preposterous.

Later in the essay, Berkowitz tries to co-opt Adam Smith, David Hume and John Stuart Mill as part of the conservative tradition, a move that makes sense only is you deny the Law of the Excluded Middle.

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