Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Talkers magazine held a 2 day convention in NYC to honor people in the industry. War Whore Laura Ingraham was invited to introduce one of the awards:
The Judy Jarvis Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions to Talk Radio by a Woman will be presented to WTKK-FM, Boston program director Grace Blazer. She is being honored for her achievements in talk programming management. Grace Blazer rose through the ranks to become program director at CBS O&O WPHT, Philadelphia where she served successfully as one of only a handful of females to hold that position in the nation. She then assumed the same position at Greater Media’s WTKK-FM, Boston where she is now at the forefront of pioneering a new localism in talk radio as well as being a field general in the news/talk invasion of the FM band. The award will be presented to Grace Blazer by last year’s recipient, Talk Radio Network superstar Laura Ingraham, at the Friday evening opening cocktail reception.

According to Stephanie Miller, WWI's speech didn't go over well. It was too long and wasn't about the award. Apparently, some of the attendees in the back of the room started talking during the speech and Ingraham called them out. I guess this resulted in a few boos for her.

Today, Hannity was ranting again about nationalized health care and the destruction of the American economy. He asked a rhetorical series of question, one of which was "Has the stock market rebounded?" Here's one answer -

Hannity and Glenn Beck had Daniel Hennan on. He's a British Member of the European Parliament and from what I heard, is eager for the second coming of Margaret Thatcher. He also was a writer to the wingnut Daily Telegraph.

Mark Levin decided that Newt Gingrich is no longer a member in good standing of the movement conservatives because Newt didn't come to the defense of Fats Limbaugh in a Face the Nation interview:
SMITH: Well, but you also have a voice of ideological purity out there that, unless people kowtow to...

GINGRICH: Yes, shrug them off.

SMITH: Shrug them off?


SMITH: So your advice to other Republicans is shrug off Rush Limbaugh?

GINGRICH: My -- my advice is that -- that Colin Powell is a great American. I'm proud that he's Republican. And, you know, Dick Cheney is a great American. I'm proud he's Republican. I'm glad both of them are Republicans.

Finally, Mike Gallagher echoed the hysteria about government-run health care and about Judge Sotomayor, who he accused of being a racist and a sexist.

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