Saturday, July 11, 2009


On FAUX News, Mara Liasson was discussing the revelation that the CIA had been conducting a secret operation since 2001 without informing Congress:
BAIER: And as you said, the CIA says that Panetta learned about this on the 23rd. He felt that it was not adequately briefed to Congress, suggesting perhaps it was briefed at some level, perhaps the gang of eight, the leadership and the head of the committees. And it was a program that ended, started in 2001, and at some point has ended.

LIASSON: Or never actually happened. It is unclear.

BAIER: Or never launched. And we don't know what it was.

Mara is wrong again, as mcjoan noted:
Both Pete Hoekstra and Mike Rogers have said that the program "never quite got there" or wasn't "ever implemented," are contradicted by the Bush administration official who definitely confirmed that the program, run by the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, was implemented. It might have been off and on, but it was definitely on during the last eight years. Remember, it was begun in 2001 following 9/11 and Panetta didn't find out about it and put an end to it until the day before he met with the Intelligence Committee last month.

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