HANNITY: Yes, well, he might be.All right. What do you make -- first of all, the CBO's now scoring the bill that Baucus is putting out. Democrats don't like it. You got half the Democrats wanting the government option. Half don't. A hundred and thirty million -- billion dollars in cuts to seniors.COULTER: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. No. And I mean, as for the public option, I don't even -- I don't even believe the Democrats are really so obsessed, although we oppose the bill, again, if they don't have the public option. They'll just say anything to anyone.They know that just getting any form of their idea of a health plan through is the camel's nose in the tent. That is -- that is the end of the Republican Party, because people will be paying in, and they'll want to get some of their money back from that.This is why health care is so important for the Democrats, and no matter how dead it looks, do not trust that. They will be willing to pass this with 51 votes. They will wait for reconciliation, because this is a total game changer. It is like amnesty for illegals. And Americans really can't get complacent about this.They're willing to, you know, change it to co-ops or the exchanges or whatever they call it. But they will not do the one thing that will solve health care, any health-care problems that exist. Apparently, most Americans are happy with their health care. And that is to have competition.
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