Tuesday, September 15, 2009


In his Sept. 14th column, "Shrill shouters betray post-9/11 promises to be best we can be," Mike Lupica points a finger at "Foamer" Mark Levin and Fats Limbaugh:
Wilson really did sound like somebody who had been on hold for an hour, waiting to scream about socialism to Rush.

But why wouldn't Wilson scream out the way he did? This is a time when a radio host like Mark Levin routinely refers to President Obama as "that jerk," all in the name of liberty, of course, and the fight against tyranny. Or maybe this all just comes out of a fury that there weren't enough screamers to keep the black guy from getting elected.

There was this rally in Washington on Saturday, organized by a former political bantamweight named Dick Armey, another beauty, and you saw microphones being shoved in the faces of people who couldn't wait to tell you all about how Obama is out to destroy the country.

And you wondered, as always, where these defenders of the Constitution, these patriots, were over the past eight years. They sat out Iraq. They sat out torture. They sat out the conditions at Walter Reed. Now they take to the streets over health care and talk about the President of the United States as if he's a bum.

We know that Levin and Limbaugh both strongly supported torture and Fats even tried to make a buck off this national disgrace with his "Club Gitmo" junk.

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