Sunday, October 11, 2009


The Baggers held another "rally" in Tucson and now they are also trying to recall a Democratic county supervisor in addition to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D). There was at least one GOP big shot in attendance, Jim Click, and I wonder how many people know that he was a HUGE Bush supporter?
Rally seeks new direction for US
By Rhonda Bodfield
arizona daily star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 10.11.2009

About 6,000 people descended Saturday on Tucson Electric Park for the Tucson Tea Party event, billed as "Tucson's Last Stand." The event kicked off with Tucson Tea Party organizer Trent Humphries expressing his own brand of hope for the future: "I love the smell of freedom in the morning."

A petition to recall U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was circulated out of the bed of a pickup truck. Another recall effort, this one aimed at Democratic Pima County Supervisor Sharon Bronson, was collecting signatures near the entrance of the park.

Thomas D. Young, who is organizing the Giffords recall, needs 83,000 signatures by January to launch the effort, though Giffords is up for re-election in November 2010.
"Something needs to change. Even if all this does is raise awareness and get people involved, that's a good thing."

The three Republican City Council candidates were in attendance, as was Brian Miller, who is challenging Giffords for her seat. Auto dealer Jim Click was there, as was Bill Arnold, the chairman of the public safety initiative, Proposition 200.

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