Monday, October 19, 2009


Today on his radio show, Glenn Beck started to inform us how net neutrality is part of the insidious plot to totally dominate society and eliminate our freedoms. It looks like we have a bunch of companies who are in on this and I hope Glenn puts their names up on his blackboard.
Top tech firms back open Internet in FCC letter
Oct 19 03:34 PM US/Eastern

Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, Twitter and other leading Web and technology companies expressed support Monday for Federal Communications Commission (FCC) efforts to ensure an open Internet.

"An open Internet fuels a competitive and efficient marketplace, where consumers make the ultimate choices about which products succeed and which fail," the chief executives and founders of two dozen companies said.

"This allows businesses of all sizes, from the smallest startup to larger corporations, to compete, yielding maximum economic growth and opportunity," they said in an open letter to FCC chairman Julius Genachowski.

Among the signatories were Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, Digg founder Kevin Rose, eBay chief executive John Donahoe, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google chief executive Eric Schmidt, LinkedIn executive chairman Reid Hoffman, Skype chief executive Josh Silverman, Twitter co-founder Evan Williams and YouTube co-founder Steve Chen.

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