Monday, February 08, 2010


Although I only caught a few minutes of Beck's show, I heard enough to combine that with what I heard from Mark Levin to conclude that Levin is still fighting Beck and his movement. The contrast is easy to do where I live because their radio shows come on one after the other.

First, Beck continued his war on Progressivism by claiming that it is a cancer on America and must be fought on all fronts. Beck told his listeners this fight is about principles, not political parties, so they shouldn't be partisans. At the beginning of Levin's show, he went out of his way to assert that the conservatives battles just didn't start in the 1900s with the Progressive movement and warned his listeners NOT to avoid party politics. Levin also warned about starting a 3rd party and following a half-educated leader (not Palin, Beck).

Second, Beck said that he didn't support Sarah Palin because of her aggressive foreign policy. Levin spent some time explaining to his audience that Palin and others who buy into the neo-conservatives approach to the world were absolutely correct and that the Founding Fathers would approve of our intervention in Iraq. Levin praised Palin's Bagger Convention speech and didn't mention he 2-country lapel pin.


Ken Hoop said...

Encouraging about Beck breaking ranks with the neocons,if it's a consistent one. He should use what influence he has and admonish Rand Beck on the latter's retreat into Palin-acceptable stances on the wars, etc.

Steve J. said...

I look at it as Beck's only silver lining. :-)