Monday, February 01, 2010


The wingers are going to try to make small business owners one of the groups martyred by Pres. Obama's proposed budget and let's make sure they fail.
Small businesses see 'good stuff' in Obama budget
By Laura Petrecca, USA TODAY

"I think the administration is really trying to work with small business," says Molly Brogan, a spokeswoman for the National Small Business Association.

On Monday, the president outlined a series of initiatives to aid small businesses in the $3.8 trillion budget plan he sent to Congress.

On the agenda:

•Filter $30 billion in TARP funds to community banks for small-business lending.

•Eliminate capital gains taxes on investments in small businesses.

•Increase the Small Business Administration's budget 21% to $994 million. That money would go to help SBA increase its loan guarantees, as well as provide more money for natural disaster assistance and entrepreneurial counseling.

•Give small businesses a payroll tax credit of $5,000 for each new hire in 2010.

•Require all but the smallest businesses to set up automatic-payroll-deduction retirement accounts and provide a $1,000 tax credit for businesses setting up a plan.

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