Monday, June 28, 2010


I've heard right-wing radio host Billy Cunnigham, one of Hannity's pals, call for unconditional withdrawal from Afghanistan many times and I think that means even the half-wits are getting it.

The newest one is a GOP senator from Georgia:
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) warned that Afghanistan is no longer primarily a military problem, and raised the prospect of a “very ugly victory.”

“This is not a conventional war,” Chambliss said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“There are political issues that are probably the most difficult that we’ve encountered probably any place we’ve been in,” he said, calling Hamid Karzai’s administration “the most corrupt government we’ve ever dealt with from a conflict standpoint.”

“We could win militarily and still have a very ugly victory.” Chambliss concluded.

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