Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Preacher Beck continues to woo the Fundies. Yesterday, he asked his listeners to being 40 days of prayer for the Republic:
40 days and 40 nights

Last night on TV, Glenn asked you to take a pledge and to start changing the priorities in your life. You may not be going all Tiger Woods, but we are all human and we all have flaws. We must work on correcting those first, individually, if we are going to change the way things are done in America and preserve the Republic. What can you do? Take the pledge and start 40 days and 40 nights TODAY.

Hannity talked about Shirley Sherrod but did not mention that Andrew Breitbart was responsible for the smear although he did have Breitbart on his TV show and Andrew did not do his cause any good:
HANNITY: Let me ask you a last question. How do you feel about the White House's firing of her in light of everything that we know and what we've learned? Do you think it was the right decision? And do you think, you know, what she -- how do you feel in total about what she said on that tape?

Do you think it was racist? Did you want her fired?

BREITBART: I don't. I don't -- I have to be honest with you. I'm agnostic on the issue because I'm invested in getting the NAACP and the Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus to stop constantly calling the Tea Party racist, that's my job.

I could care less about Shirley Sherrod. To be honest with you. This is not about Shirley Sherrod.

Transcript from LexisNexis,
Fox News Network
July 20, 2010 Tuesday
Interview With Andrew Breitbart
BYLINE: Sean Hannity
GUESTS: Andrew Breitbart

LENGTH: 1852 words

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Any guess how Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh will handle Frank and Paul's effort?