Friday, July 02, 2010


(h/t BuzzFlash)

I'll try to follow this story.
Sean Hannity vs. The Code
Salt Lake Crawler
Glen Warchol
Updated on Jun 28, 2010 01:54PM
Salt Lake Tribune

Conservative talk-radio giant Sean Hannity likely will be the latest victim of a puritanical purge lunched within LDS Church-owned media.

Insiders at KSL radio say that Hannity, even though he has a large and passionate listenership, will be gone from KSL Radio "sooner rather than later" because he doesn't meet the new values code instituted earlier this year by Deseret Media chief executive Mark Willes.

Willes' new mission statement, some might call it a creed, includes pledges like: "I seek to lift, inspire, and help others find enduring happiness" and "I promote integrity, civility, morality, and respect for all people," and "I seek to instill light and knowledge in my work." As you can imagine, Sean Hannity, who is beloved by his listeners for saying things like -- "I'll tell you who should be tortured and killed at Guantanamo -- every filthy Democrat in the U.S. Congress," has a large problem in the civility-respect area.

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