Friday, August 20, 2010


Beck did state that American Indians were descendants of ancient Israelites. 1 He did mention an (old) theory by James Adair and that Adams and Jefferson were aware of it.
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did have a dispute on the American native, but it wasn't that they weren't savages.

In their famous correspondence that happened in later years, they talked about the Native American and discussed James Adair's intriguing theory that the Indians were descendants from Jews, because they had -- according to Thomas Jefferson and Adair -- the same laws, the same ceremonies, the same sacrifice, the same priests, prophets and fast, even the Indian dialect seemed derived from a common prototype of the Hebrew Bible. So, they didn't brush them off the Native Americans as wild animals. They were intrigued -- intrigued.

Beck DOES suggest that there's really something to this theory:
Let me show you one more connection. In 1860, he was digging in a mound near those Earthworks and he found a wooden coffin made of oak. They opened up the coffin and found a skeleton of a man holding a little box. It was 8.10 inches in size.

The box had been cemented shut - here. This, by the way, is sitting in Ohio. Well, he opened the box and he found a little man inside, a little black stone. They took it to scholars and they looked at it. The man seems to be carrying something. And there's writing here.

At first, they couldn't recognize. The writing is, they thought in 1860, some sort of Hebrew. Well, finally, 20 years later, they found some rabbis living in the area, and the rabbis looked at that and they could read it. They said it was an old, old kind of block. Hebrew - a block Hebrew and it was a rendition of the Ten Commandments.

Now, this is another piece - block Hebrew. They said they had never seen anything like it. Mainstream archaeologists at the time called this a hoax. But then, in 1900, or just about after 1900, in Israel, they found the same block style Hebrew writing.

Mainstream archaeologists still dismiss the findings. They found it in Israel and they found it in Ohio. But there was another stone that they found that they couldn't argue.

This is the Bat Creek stone. It was found during the course of an official Smithsonian evacuation. The Smithsonian didn't understand the meaning of the writing on the stone. They thought it was Cherokee since it came if Cherokee country. They didn't realize that it's actually Hebrew.

They had published this originally upside down. They threw it in the box at the bottom of a Smithsonian and put in the basement. Many years later, a scholar took it out of the box, looked at it and went, "Oh, my gosh. It's upside down." It's Phoenician - ancient Hebrew.

So what is going on here? What is that about? Where is that history? I'll show you in a few minutes and we're going to have a conversation. I'm going to show you more things that the Smithsonian, science, government, commerce colluded to erase.

By the way, I want to thank the directors of the documentary, "Lost Civilizations of North America" for bring these stories to my attention. I was blown away. To find more, visit the Web site, ""

This whole segment belonged on Coast to Coast AM, not a news network.

1Fox News Network
August 18, 2010 Wednesday
BECK for August 18, 2010
BYLINE: Glenn Beck
GUESTS: Dr. Peter Lillback
LENGTH: 5752 words

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