Friday, August 27, 2010


(h/t Jed Lewison at DKOs)

Harry Reid and sane Americans everywhere can breath a little easier now that Bagger candidate Sharron Angle's own supporters DON'T.
U.S. SENATE RACE: Poll: Voters wish for other choices
Angle's backers indicate preference for another Republican

Aug. 27, 2010
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Two-thirds of voters who say they back Sharron Angle wish another Republican had won the nomination, according to a poll for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and 8NewsNow that shows deep dissatisfaction with both the Tea Party pick and U.S. Sen. Harry Reid.

Some 68 percent of those surveyed said they would have preferred if a candidate other than Angle had won the GOP primary. Among them were 71 percent of Republicans, 71 percent of nonpartisans and 64 percent Democrats. Among Angle voters, 66 percent said they would have preferred another GOP nominee, as would have 68 percent of Reid voters and 79 percent of those in neither camp.

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