Monday, August 02, 2010


only 11 more to go! Just to be fair, I do recall reading in (I think) Paul O'Neill's book that tax breaks take 1 to 2 years to have an effect.
Rep. Cantor Reluctantly Admits Extending Bush Tax Cuts Will Increase Deficits
4 hours and 9 minutes ago — Matt Finkelstein

GUTHRIE: ...will you just simply acknowledge that passing these tax cuts worsens the budget deficit problem? I mean, you can't deny that, right?

CANTOR: Savannah, let's look at it through the prism of the working families who are seeking jobs and the small businesspeople who are creating them. It's not — it's not a tax cut they're looking for, they don't want a tax hike.

GUTHRIE: But that wasn't my question. [...]

GUTHRIE: I just was wondering if you had a — if you had any dispute with the notion that it does exacerbate the deficit picture.

CANTOR: What I — what I said in the beginning is, um, if you have less revenues coming into the federal government, and more expenditures, what does that add up to? Certainly you're gonna dig the hole deeper. But you also have to understand, if the priority is to get people back to work, is to start growing this economy again, uh, then you don't wanna make it more expensive for job creators. You don't wanna hike their taxes so that they won't hire people. I mean, that's the fundamental decision here. Do you wanna make it more expensive for small businesspeople right now, and no, I don't think you do.

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