Sunday, August 22, 2010


His show is a nice peek into the World Nut Daily wing of the GOP. Tonight he repeated his claim that Pres. Obama was a Muslim and has lied to the American people about that. Thanx to John Cole at Ballon Juice, I learned that Juan Cole at Informed Comment gave us the relevant facts:
Barack Obama never accepted or practiced Islam as an adult (which would be age 15 in Islamic law) and therefore according to classical Islamic jurisprudence cannot be an apostate.

1 comment:

Ken Hoop said...

Yesterday, the Cincinnati Enquirer in low key, indirect fashion revealed that Cunningham was paid from a corporate BP fund to do "save local BP outlet" promos which came off to the average listener as a "public interest" deed of love for local businesses from this charlatan who has told his national audience he had always been against the Iraq war for which in truth he had shilled from 2003-2008, never failing to accuse antiwar Democrats of being surrender monkeys and occasionally calling for carpet bombing Iraqi cities to save US troop lives.

Today, Cunningham accused shrimpers of unfairly "fleecing" BP. And so the clown goes.