Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It's the usual suspects...

This graph is from PEJ and PEJ had this about one of the gasbags:
Hannity quickly saw the issue in a political context. “By commenting on this controversial topic, President Obama has, perhaps unintentionally, made this a pivotal mid-term issue and vulnerable Democrats up for re-election this November are doing their best to distance themselves from the White House,” Hannity said.

He played a tape of a leader of Hamas, a political movement that the U.S. classifies as a terrorist organization, also supporting the mosque project. With an on-screen label reading “Ground Zero mosque,” Hannity then interviewed several opponents of the plan, including former GOP presidential candidate John McCain, and Debra Burlingame, the sister of the pilot of the plane that was crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11.

“It felt like a kick to the stomach,” Burlingame said of the proposal.


Ken Hoop said...

The lying charlatan Bill Cunningham is off from Cincinnati to tape several more of his new TV shows, confabbing with Hannity and Levin during the sojourn.

He didn't get out of town today before telling more substantive lies, this time about Ron Paul.

A caller accused Cunningham of demagoguing the mosque issue and harming the true Right, then contrasted and elaborated on the admirable Ron Paul's stand.

Cunningham cut the caller off, admitting Paul was in favor of the "mosque" being built on the desired location, but denying Paul had claimed US policy was complicit in the rise of bin Laden and the 9/11 2001 revenge attack.

Of course Paul said exactly that, recently and during the presidential nominating debate earning the scorn of Zionist shill Rudi Giuliani standing beside him.

Cunningham should really review
the history of Reagan's meddling in Afghanistan and what Ron Paul means when he says the Jewish lobby is the worst of a bad lot.

After shelving the knowledgeable caller, Willie treated with charitable agreement the next fawner who thanked the "great American" for his service then confidently assessed to Willie's approval "every mosque in America" was a den of foreign agent jihadists.

Safe bet Cunningham's friends dual loyalist Levin and warmongering neocon Hannity like their up and coming student's prejudices; he might wish to impress them and play a tape of that poignant sequence.

Anonymous said...

Poor KKKen. Mikey's left town so now he has to try and focus on Willie.

How pathetic is that?